SHOW to adopt TWHBEA age of horse requirements
The SHOW HIO recently changed the SHOW rulebook to reflect a recent change at the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association regarding the age of horses foaled in the fall breeding season.
The current SHOW HIO rulebook lists in Section 2 Definitions (A) Age of Horse, the following:
“For horse show purposes, a horse shall be considered to be one year old on the first day of January following the date of foaling. Exception foals born in October, November and December are eligible for classes along with foals born the following year.”
The SHOW Rules Committee, chaired by Carrie Benedict, proposed the following change to Section 2 Definitions (A) Age of Horse:
“For the purposes of exhibition, the age of a horse will be governed by and determined by the rules and regulations of the TWHBEA.”
For more information please visit the SHOW web site at www.showhio.com