(compliments of Walking Horse Report)
The SHOW HIO will retain its policy of reporting to show management its findings for disqualification on pre-show violations with no further penalty issued by SHOW. However, on clear, objective post-show violations that result in notices of disqualification, SHOW will issue a two-week suspension to the person responsible for the violation.
The policy applies to illegal shoeing, heavy chains and any low or illegal chain. At Celebration horse shows, any of these objective, post-show violations will result in disqualification and the class will be re-tied by going back to the judges cards and retying the class. At other SHOW affiliated events, show management will determine if the class is re-tied.
The full excerpt from the SHOW rule book is as follows:
2018 SHOW Penalty Matrix:
Pre Show Violations:
Any pre-show HPA violations are disqualified for the remainder of the show/sale
Any pre-show SHOW violations that are correctable may be corrected and re-inspected
Pre/Post Show Violation:
Verbal and/or physical assault of DQP – Automatic 120 day suspension
According to the regulations to the Horse Protection Act (HPA), a DQP must inspect all entries receiving a first place tie. Should any of the following post-show violations be detected, it is up to show management whether the class receives a re-tie.
Post Show Violations:
Illegal Shoeing – 2 week suspension
Illegal/Heavy Chain – 2 week suspension
Low Chain – 2 week suspension
Bad Image – Inspection video & DQP Report will be taken to Executive Committee for final decision
“A violation is any act committed at a SHOW affiliated event prejudicial to the best interest of SHOW…”
1. All violations of SHOW’s rule, the HPA or the applicable HPA regulation shall be reported to show management and the USDA. Any person violating SHOW’s rules may be disqualified by show management from entering a horse in the event at which the violation occurred.
2. All violations of SHOW rules VI B 3a – 3i (Non HPA violations) shall be reported to SHOW Executive Committee via the SHOW business office. The Executive Committee may set any penalty deemed in the best interest of SHOW for these violations.